Scenario Setup - Planning and Strategy

Minor Scenario 2 spoilers towards the end of this post. Even before the nitty gritty tactics, there's some planning & strategy you can do at Scenario Setup to help you win. When setting up a new scenario, the first step is to look in the scenario book to set up the map tiles and prepare all the monster types you will be fighting. Then read the introduction text and apply any negative scenario effects from the “Special Rules” section. Next, two battle goals should be dealt to each player, one of which will be discarded. Players can then decide which items they would like to equip from the collection of items they own (adding in -1 cards to their attack modifier decks when applicable). Next, players should decide which ability cards they would like to put in their hand, choosing from the pool of those available to them. A player must select a number of cards equal to his or her character’s hand size... ...After players select their hand, any effects of a preceding road eve...